Homeschooling has been going great so far, except for 1 area- writing. My daughter is 3 and should have started Pre-K3 this year, but due to the pandemic I kept her home. She has learned her entire alphabet, the sound of each letter and can even read, but I cannot get her to write. I’ve tried everything. She knows tons of sight words and can literally read an entire book, so considering her age, I don’t want to continue her to push her to advance in that area, rather focus on things she does not know how to do yet. She doesn’t even know how to hold a pencil. Like the rest of us, she likes to focus on what she’s good at, rather than what she struggles with. I get it. However, it’s my job as her parent (and currently her teacher) to push her to learn new things.
I’ve been trying to get her to sit down and practice tracing, but she never wants to. Until her new box of goodies arrived yesterday! I did a little research and found some tools that should help me encourage her to learn to write. I spent $30 on Amazon on a box of new goodies- pencils, erasers, sharpeners, pencil grips, a pencil case & a tracing book- because what kid doesn’t love opening a present. I was hopeful that all her new goodies would encourage her to sit down and learn how to write. It worked!
She was so excited with her present that she instantly went to her table to try it all out. We sharpened her new pencils and attached the pencil grips. This item is the game changer. It forces them to hold the pencil properly, which then makes writing so much easier. She has been loving it and has spent a lot of time the last 2 day practicing tracing in her new tracing book. So far we’re only working on lines, shapes, and we’ve started the letter A. I know that soon enough she’ll be on to tracing all the letters and next she’ll be learning how to write her name on her own.
These items were such a hit for us that I just had to share it in case any of my mama friends are having the same issue with their kids. Most things come in big packs on Amazon, so it really is bang for your buck considering that I only spent $30 on everything. We got 6 sharpeners, 10 pencil grips, etc.
Here are links to all of the items I purchased. Everything is from Amazon and bring all that quantity you see pictures below. Just click on the photo and it’ll take you directly to that specific item on Amazon.
Please let me know if it’s as successful for you as it’s been for me. Hope it helps make writing fun!
1 Comment
Ask your child s teacher for a sample sheet with the starting points for each letter clearly marked. This can help your child practise at home what he s learning at school. To help your child learn to form a letter, write it lightly and correctly yourself and get her to trace over your letter. Show your child where to start drawing the letter by putting a green dot at the starting point and a red one at the finishing point.